J-AASJ 2022-1 vol.4







表紙写真:奈良県山添村の鍋倉渓、撮影 山村善太郎



●巻頭言 上田晴彦


●三内丸山遺跡大型掘立柱建物についての一考察 柳原輝明

Sandai Maruyama Ruins Study on Large dug-out pillar building.    (Teruaki YANAGIHARA) 

●岩石遺構と太陽の関係の分類 平津豊

Classification of relationship between rock remains and the sun.  (Yutaka HIRATSU)

●玄武ラインの発見 桜田和之

Discovery of Genbu Lines.  (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●キトラ天文図の謎を解く 桜田和之

Solving the mystery of Kitora celestial chart.  (Kazuyuki SAKURADA)

●バルカン半島初期金属器時代の天文関連装飾について:ブチェドール文化を中心に 後藤明

Astronomical decorations of the early Metal Age in the Balkan peninsula.:Focusing on Vućedol Culture. (Akira GOTO)


●巨石ネットワークの幾何学的アプローチから考案されたコンパスとしての台式土偶 小林由来

A portable clay figure as a compass devised from the geometric approach of megalithic networks. (Yoshiki KOBAYASHI) 


●天文考古学を利用した地域活性化への取組みと後進への助言 篠澤邦彦


●天文シミュレーション 平津豊


●第2回 研究発表会報告







学会誌 要約紹介 通巻4 2022年1巻1号

VOL4-1◆(論文) 三内丸山遺跡大型掘立柱建物についての一考察   柳原輝明

Sandai Maruyama Ruins Study on Large dug-out pillar building Teruaki YANAGIHARA



The large dug-out pillar building at the Sannai-Maruyama ruins is a wooden high-rise building representative of the Jomon period, but its purpose is not clearly indicated. The reproduced appearance is a structure of unknown use, with only six pillars and several layers of floor. The name is also an regrettable name " large dug-out pillar building ".If the purpose of use can be specified, the name and appearance will naturally change. In this paper, the use of the structure is inferred from the location, orientation, height, etc. of the structure.


VOL4-2◆(論文) 岩石遺構と太陽の関係の分類  平津豊

Classification of relationship between rock remains and the sun    Yutaka HIRATSU



In this paper, when discussing the relationship between archaeological sites and celestial bodies, we examine how these can be classified, using rock remains and the sun as examples, and attempt to pattern them.

We classified into Normal type, that looks directly at the sun, Slit type that looks directly at the sun through the gap, Shadow type that indirectly observes by using the shadow of the ruins, and Spotlight type that indirectly observes the light of the sun shining in a dark place. World Heritage Sites were introduced by applying them to each type.

VOL4-3◆(論文) 玄武ラインの発見  桜田和之

Discovery of Genbu Lines                                                   Kazuyuki SAKURADA








In the countries of ancient East Asia, the yin-yang lines that guard royal castles were stretched out, and I discovered them and named them the Genbu Line. The Genbu Line is a map of the Celestial Central Axis onto the ground, passing through the central gate (or the front shrine in the case of a shrine). The Genbu Line is accompanied by the Female God at one end and the Male God at the other, and the two Gods exchange 'Qi' to worship and protect the object in between.

Prior to the return of the Japanese envoy to Tang Dynasty in July 704, the Yamato Dynasty misunderstood the definition of the Celestial Central Axes and regarded them as crossing at the North-Star, so the Genbu line, a map of the Celestial Central Axis, passed through the main hall of the palace. This was the reason for the transfer of Fujiwara-Miya to Aramashi-Miya in April 705. I refer to the Genbu Line during the misconfiguration era as the 'Incorrect Genbu Line' and to the Genbu Line after the misconfiguration was rectified simply as the 'Genbu Line' to distinguish between the two. The Central Axis in an ancient capital city can also be regarded as a kind of Genbu Line. The Genbu Line on the ground is a map of the Celestial Central Axis, but it is also a map of Yi's 64 divination signs, suggesting the existence of dozens of Genbu Lines in an ancient capital city. Ley Lines existed in ancient East Asia.

The Kameishi of Asuka was built by the Soga clan for the purpose of protecting Empress Kogyoku's Asuka-Itabuki-no-Miya, and it can be regarded as a microcosm in itself, with multiple Incorrect Genbu Lines on its back. This is also recited in "Manyoshu". Most of the stone structures in Asuka were installed during the Asuka period to build Incorrect Genbu Lines.

VOL4-4◆(論文) キトラ天文図の謎を解く  桜田和之

Solving the mystery of Kitora celestial chart                       Kazuyuki SAKURADA






 It is highly likely that the original pictures of the Kitora celestial chart were produced in Luoyang by Empress Wu Zetian. It is believed that she estimated the arrangement of celestial bodies on the autumnal equinox of the year when the Zhou dynasty with the Heaven-lineage was founded (around 1046 BC), produced Kyuya celestial charts and the Nine Dings, whose azimuth matched Kyuya's, and placed them in front of the Mingtang in Luoyang. Kyuya celestial chart was granted by Empress Wu Zetian to Silla. When Prince Takechi died, Silla presented it to Empress Jito, who altered it to become the Kitora celestial chart. The constellation arrangement depicted in the Kitora celestial chart is for the time of sunrise on shosho of the year of Tensonkorin, in which Kyuya and the San Tong theory are depicted. 

The Setteikaku (a combination of Daikaku and Settei) located in Kinten of Kyuya is the Three-legged Crow. Empress Jito placed Dobans, figurines of Kyuya, in front of the south gate of the Daigokuden-in of the Fujiwara Palace.

The existence of four axes can be recognized from the Kitora celestial chart, and based on these, the Celestial Axis can be classified into six types in total.

VOL4-5◆(論文) バルカン半島初期金属器時代の天文関連装飾について:ブチェドール文化を中心に  後藤明

Astronomical decorations of the early Metal Age in the Balkan peninsula.:Focusing on Vućedol Culture.    Akira GOTO




This paper discusses the astronomical beliefs of the Vućedol Culture, which belongs to the Early Metal Age in the Balkan Peninsula. The design of pottery and earthenware have been excavated from the remains of the Vućedol Culture, which is thought to be related to shamanism as well as the calendar. From a broader perspective, the Vućedol Culture may be related to the nomadic cultures of Eurasia and the ancient civilizations of West Asia.

VOL4-6◆(研究ノート) 巨石ネットワークの幾何学的アプローチから考案されたコンパスとしての台式土偶  小林由来

A portable clay figure as a compass devised from the geometric approach of megalithic networks   Yoshiki KOBAYASHI





In 2018, we started investigating the Funaiwa megalithic group at Maruyama Shrine in Naegi, Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture. By 2021, an astronomical megalithic network on the east-west line of 35 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds north latitude, for about 48 km from Nakatsugawa (Mt. Sengeyama Megaliths) to Seki City (Tansuiwa Megaliths), had been reported. Seven megalithic groups have been found in Nakatsugawa City, Ena City, Yaotsu Town, Hichiso Town, Kawabe Town, Minokamo City, and Seki City.

Here, we would like to explore how these megalithic groups were constructed from the perspective of geometry (the field of mathematics that studies the properties of shapes and spaces) and to approach the thinking of ancient people. In particular, we refer to Euclidean geometry compiled in "Euclid's Principles Stoikheîa" by Euclid, a Greek mathematician and astronomer around 300 BC, and German mathematician David Hilbert's "Geometry" .